My Close Friends from EF Brissie

Hi! My name is Thesya and I joined this EF program in January 2018 for 3 weeks! and chose Brisbane as my destination. I want to tell you about my close friends when I was in Brisbane, so here we go!

I'm gonna mention all of my close friends one by one, which are Andrew (Hungary), Rena (Japan), Nicola (Switzerland), Haruka (Japan), Anais (Canada) and Son (South Korea). I spent a lot of time with them and we did a lot of things together, even from silly things such as eating together when there's a price promo at a restaurant to fun things such as exploring the Botanical Garden, Mount Coat Tha and Gold Coast.

We were all so different from one another but we somehow blend nicely together because of our differences. For example, Rena is so bubbly since she's so young and she's the mood maker of the bunch, there's also Son that's very wise and he always takes good care of us all, Nicola is such an amazing friend and Andrew is also a funny guy where he often jokes around to make us all laugh, I am the closest to him! We all also plan to see each other again in Japan in 2019 to have a reunion.

All in all, I had an amazing experience exploring Brisbane with EF, I also hope to see my close friends again soon and I excited to take another program with EF!

- Thesya, EF Brisbane 2018 -


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